53940 tcs answers

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Getting a degree in Communication opens up many career paths. When I graduated with a BA in Communication from Truman State in 2001, it covered Marketing, PR, and Journalism. There was also a more science-focused path for a Bachelor of Science, emphasizing language application in fields like Natural Language Processing (NLP), a growing area in software development known for “Big Data Analytics.”

53940 TCS answers

After graduation, I explored various possibilities. Initially interested in journalism and advertising, I faced challenges due to economic conditions. I worked in retail at Victoria’s Secret, which turned out to be beneficial for honing communication skills and sales expertise. This led to unexpected opportunities, such as appearing on a TV show and making connections in the entertainment industry.

Moving to Los Angeles, I pursued a career in film while working at Victoria’s Secret. Later, I earned a Master of Fine Arts and entered the corporate world. I connected with a temp agency, built a portfolio, and eventually landed a job at Facebook. Though I started as an administrative assistant, I became involved in projects related to targeted advertising and search.

After Facebook, I worked on a documentary and entered the nonprofit sector. During the 2009 market crash, I worked for the Census and later transitioned to marketing and business development. Realizing the demand for design skills, I learned graphic design and started creating business proposals. I worked for a construction company, a telecom start-up, and returned to the film industry at Studio Movie Grill.

Currently, I am writing a commercialization plan for a software R&D project and preparing franchise marketing materials for a Montessori School system. Throughout my journey, the guiding principle that brought me success in the last thirteen years is the flexibility to explore diverse career opportunities.

People studying communications learn how to understand and meet the preferences of readers, viewers, and listeners. They develop creative strategies for delivering messages in various styles, such as creative, persuasive, descriptive, and journalistic writing. Additionally, they learn to incorporate pictures, video, and audio into their communications.

53940 TCS Course Answers

Communication majors also gain skills in planning, organizing, and executing projects, programs, and events. This requires attention to detail while grasping the bigger picture. Since communication projects often face criticism and challenges, majors learn to handle feedback and cope with setbacks 53940 tcs answers.

For those considering a career in communications, here are some potential options:

1. Public Relations Specialists:
– PR professionals strategically influence public perceptions through media.
– Tasks include writing press releases, organizing events, and convincing the media of the newsworthiness of organizational stories.
– Average Salary (as of May 2017): $59,300. Job Outlook: 9% growth through 2026.

2. Meeting/Event Planner:
– Communications majors are adept at assessing interests and organizing events.
– They can use their detail orientation to plan and promote events effectively.
– Average Salary (as of May 2017): $48,230. Job Outlook: 11% growth through 2026.

3. College Alumni and Development Officers 53940 tcs answers:
– Alumni officers plan events to maintain alumni connections, while development officers study donors and pitch college interests.
– Effective written communication helps in making persuasive pitches.
– Salary Range: $55,100 to $80,000.

4. Media Planner:
– Media planners use communication skills to understand consumer media consumption habits for advertising campaigns.
– They pitch plans to colleagues and executives.
– Average Salary: $48,830.

5. Social Media Manager 53940 tcs course answers:
– Communications majors analyze communication patterns and are well-suited for leveraging brands on social media.
– They compose messages, appeal to visitors, and convince colleagues and customers to contribute online content.
– Average Salary: $49,290.

6. Human Resources Specialist:
– HR professionals with communication skills handle recruiting, employee orientation, training, and communication.
– Average Salary (as of May 2017): $60,350. Job Outlook: 7% growth through 2026.

7. Business Reporter:
– Communications majors interested in business can become business reporters.
– They cover business developments and convey information in understandable language.
– Average Salary: $45,500.

8. Health Educator 53940 tcs course answers:
– Health educators assess health-related issues, develop programs, and produce content appealing to their audience.
– Average Salary (as of May 2017): $53,940. Job Outlook: 16% growth through 2026.

9. Brand Manager:
– Brand managers oversee product positioning and communication-intensive campaigns.
– They evaluate ads and work with sales, marketing, and advertising partners.
– Average Salary: $69,770.

10. Sales Representative 53940 tcs course answers:
– Communication majors learn skills useful in sales, such as understanding audience preferences.
– Salaries vary based on the focus area (e.g., wholesale, securities, retail).

These career options highlight the versatility of a communications major and the various industries where their skills are in demand.

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