How to Increase T Factor in TCS

In the TCS organization, we can easily cover some difficult topics “How to Increase T Factor in TCS”. Basically, “T Factor in TCS” is a newly introduced term or concept within TCS or any other organization, you should seek clarification from the relevant sources within the company.

How to Increase T Factor in TCS

“A good level of understanding of a set of technologies linked to a software platform is known as the T Factor in TCS. To increase your T Factor in TCS, start by finishing the E1 and E2 skills in IEvolve. You can earn more points by completing the CLOUD and DevOps courses. Additionally, you can earn up to 0.025 points by taking courses in Digital Foundation, Blockchain, and Mobile Primer, which are relatively easy to complete.”

How to Increase T Factor in TCS, List of course, Present: Click Here

In Other Words (How to Increase T Factor in TCS): The T Factor in TCS is calculated based on your current skills (from formal learning programs) and signals, such as hackathon participation, IP creation, and actual project experience. It measures the depth and breadth of your digital skills.”

“At TCS, we have something called the T-Factor or T Factor in TCS, which measures the digital skills of our associates. Over the last few years, our digital training has grown significantly, making a high T Factor in TCS score essential. However, even improving it by just 0.1 can be quite challenging. It requires a considerable amount of study and hands-on assignments to pass the evaluations.

Also, Read TCS’s other blog:

Achieving a score of 2.0 is considered a significant accomplishment. Recently, while working with my team to improve our team’s average score, I was pleasantly surprised to discover that one of our team members had the highest score in the entire unit. What amazed me more was that she was relatively junior and had joined the company as a fresher. While the rest of us were struggling to surpass 1.9, she already had a score of 5.8!

I called her the next morning and asked, ‘Did you know you have a T Factor in TCS score of 5.8?’ Her immediate and nervous response was, ‘I’m sorry; I’ve been working hard on it. Some of the assignments were tough, but I managed to complete them over the weekend. Please give me a couple of days, and I’ll surely cross 7.’ She paused and took a deep breath.

To my surprise, I explained that I called to congratulate her. She already had an outstanding score. I praised her and wished her the best for the next course.

Reflecting on this incident, I realized I learned something that day. Sometimes not knowing something can be a good thing. When we let go of our past achievements, experiences, and lessons, and embrace curiosity like an innocent child, the world becomes a school again. In this ever-changing world, we sometimes need to go back to where we began, with the same innocence, curiosity, and excitement.”

How to Increase T Factor in TCS

How to Increase T Factor in TCS

T Factor in TCS is like a rating that gradually goes up when you finish courses on Fresco Play, TCS’s internal learning portal. There are various courses available on Fresco Play, covering all the latest technologies. It’s a great way for associates to develop their skills and learn about topics that interest them, which is easily way How to Increase T Factor in TCS.

What is T Factor in TCS

Your T Factor in TCS keeps increasing as you complete more courses on the portal. It’s a rating that monitors your skill level and shows how much you’ve learned.

So, it’s always a good idea for associates to keep learning and increasing their T Factor in TCS. It helps them grow professionally and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies.

Importance of T Factor in TCS

T-factor is all about self-learning. There are many courses available, so you can choose whichever ones you find interesting and relevant to current technologies, like blockchain or data science. It’s a wonderful opportunity for everyone to learn from these courses, and the more you complete, the higher your T-factor will go.

Having a good T-factor might not always be part of the appraisal process, but it’s always beneficial. At least do it for your own interest, and you never know how it might come in handy in the future. Cheers!

FAQ for How to Increase T Factor in TCS

"A good level of understanding of a set of technologies linked to a software platform is known as the T Factor in TCS, Visit Us.
T Factor in TCS is like a rating that gradually goes up when you finish courses on Fresco Play, Visit Us.
The highest T Factor is 5.8, achieved by a TCS associate from Noida (a girl) who was on the bench for the last 1.5 years.
Having a good T-factor might not always be part of the appraisal process, Visit Now
I have completed my all list of course who are mapped with me and also completed some other course that important for my project and skill. current T factor is above 1.
T Factor in TCS, which measures the digital skills of our associates. There are list of course present in this blog that can help to increase T Factor in TCS