TCS Leave Policy

The TCS leave policy was created to meet a variety of purposes and guarantee that workers may take time off when required. The rules for the various types of leaves that TCS workers are permitted to take while employed there are outlined in this policy. There are different types of TCS leave, such as casual leave, sick leave, earned leave, maternity/paternity leave, and more.

TCS Paternity Leave

In TCS India, you can take 2 weeks of TCS paternity leave. (I’m not sure about the available days in other TCS locations.)

When you know the exact date you want to take off, tell your manager and HR by emailing them. At the same time, go to Ultimatix, choose “Leaves,” pick “TCS Paternity Leave,” and apply for the days you want off. Based on what I’ve seen in 5-6 cases, HR and managers usually approve this kind of leave without any problems.

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Applying for TCS paternity leave on Ultimatix is pretty similar to how you’d apply for other types of leave using the Ultimatix leave system.

TCS India typically offers male employees up to 2 weeks (14 calendar days) of TCS paternity leave to be taken around the time of childbirth. During this leave, employees can focus on family responsibilities and be present during the initial stages of their child’s arrival.

Here’s a general outline of how the process of applying for paternity leave in TCS might work:

  1. Notification: Once you know the approximate date of childbirth, it’s advisable to inform your manager and HR well in advance. Communication is important to ensure proper planning and smooth workflow arrangements in your absence.
  2. Leave Application: Log in to the company’s internal portal (such as Ultimatix) and navigate to the leave application section. Choose “TCS paternity leave” as the type of leave and provide the requested details, including the start and end dates of your leave.
  3. Approval Process: After you submit your TCS paternity leave application, it will likely go through an approval process. HR and your manager will review the request and decide whether to approve the leave based on the company’s policies and operational requirements.
  4. Leave Period: Once your TCS paternity leave is approved, you can take the specified time off to support your family. During this period, you won’t be required to perform work-related tasks.
  5. Return to Work: After your TCS paternity leave ends, you should return to work as per the agreed-upon schedule. Make sure to communicate your return with your manager and team.

TCS Leave

TCS Leave Encashment

Your Earned Leave will automatically be converted to cash when it adds up to more than 48 days in total. Let me explain how this works in TCS Leave Encashment.

First only Earned leave will be Cash in TCS Leave Encashment policy.

In a year, TCS Leave Encashment policy, you’re given a total of 16 Earned Leaves. Now, let’s say you have a total of 64 Earned Leaves (48 + 16) by the end of March. These 16 Earned Leaves will be converted to cash and added to your salary.

Now, TCS Leave Encashment policy, you might be wondering how much money you’ll receive in this cash-conversion. The calculation goes like this: (Your monthly basic salary divided by the total number of working days) multiplied by the number of Earned Leaves being converted. For example, if your Basic Salary is 15,000 and the leaves being converted are 16 days, the calculation would be (15,000 / 25 working days) multiplied by 16, resulting in around 9,600 INR.

However, please note that you won’t receive certain benefits like performance pay in this cash-conversion process in BOB.

If you have further questions or need more clarification, feel free to ask.

Key Features of the TCS Leave Policy

Casual Leave in TCS

You can’t save up your casual leaves. They’ll expire by the end of the financial year (around March to April). TCS employees are typically entitled to a certain number of casual leaves per year. These leaves are meant for short-term absences, such as unexpected personal emergencies. But, these leaves may not be carried forward to the next year. 1.75 per quarter ie. 1.75 *4 = 7

Sick Leave in TCS

Sick leaves per quarter ie. 2.5* 4 = 10. Recognizing that health is paramount, TCS provides sick leave to employees who are unwell and unable to perform their duties. You can keep unused sick leaves for later, but you can only keep up to 44 of them. If you have more than 44, the extra ones will expire. For example, if you end the financial year with 50 sick leaves, you can carry forward 44, but 6 will expire and cannot be carried over.

Earned Leave in TCS

TCS Earned leaves per quarter:- 4 * 4 = 16. You can save your unused vacation days. But you can only keep up to 44 days, and the rest will be turned into money. For example, if you have 55 unused vacation days by the end of the year, you can keep 44 for later and get paid for 11 days, which will be added to your March salary.
Maternity Leave in TCS. Under this act, eligible female employees are entitled to take a maximum of 26 weeks of paid Maternity leave policy in Infosys, which can be taken anytime up to 8 weeks before the expected date of delivery, and the remaining weeks can be taken after delivery.

Flexi Leave in TCS

Flexi holiday ( 2 leaves per year ). You can ask for time off at different places, and to do that, you’ll get a schedule of holidays. You should apply for time off a week before the day you want. Flexi leaves can’t be carried over. You have to use them by the end of the year (December). New leaves will be given on January 1st.

Paternity Leave in TCS

This leave allows them to take time off from work to support their partner and care for their newborn child. The specific details and duration of paternity leave in TCS. During Paternity Leave in TCS, Employees can apply for 7 days of leave and a maximum of 15 days [In some Medical emergencies].

Leave Without Pay TCS

During a “Leave Without Pay” period in TCS Leave, an employee’s salary is not paid, and their benefits such as provident fund contributions, insurance, and other allowances may also be affected. It’s important to check TCS’s specific policies and guidelines regarding “Leave Without Pay,” as these can vary based on location, employment terms, and individual circumstances.

Applying for TCS Leave

Applying for the TCS Leave or TCS Leave Policy is a streamlined process. Employees can request leave through the company’s designated leave management system. Supervisors or managers then review and approve leave requests, ensuring that the team’s workflow remains uninterrupted.

FAQ For TCS Leave Policy

TCS leave eligibility includes sick, casual, earned leave, maternity/paternity leave, compensatory off, special leave, and public holidays based on company policies.
TCS casual leave usually expires at the end of the calendar year and doesn't carry forward to the next year.
For accurate and up-to-date information, please refer to the official TCS HR resources or contact your HR representative and Ultimatix
TCS provides various types of leaves including sick, casual, earned, maternity/paternity, comp-off, special, and public holidays. Policies vary.

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