Leave Policy in TCS

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has a comprehensive Leave Policy in TCS for its employees, which includes different types of leaves based on the employee’s tenure, position, and reason for leave. The number of days an employee can avail of under TCS’s leave policy may vary based on several factors, including their position, length of service, and the type of leave they are taking.

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Here are some of the key features of the Leave Policy in TCS

Earned Leaves (EL): TCS employees are entitled to earn a certain number of ELs per year based on their length of service. The ELs can be availed of for personal reasons or emergencies.

Casual Leaves (CL): TCS employees are also given a fixed number of CLs per year, which can be used for short-term absences, such as for doctor appointments or personal errands.

Sick Leaves (SL): Employees can also avail of SLs in case of illness or injury. The number of SLs an employee is entitled to depend on their tenure with the company.

Maternity Leave: Leave Policy of TCS Female employees are entitled to 26 weeks of maternity leave, as per the Maternity Benefit Act of India.

Paternity Leave: Male employees are entitled to two weeks of paternity leave. More Details TCS Paternity Leave: Click Here

Bereavement Leave: TCS provides paid leave for employees in the event of the death of an immediate family member.

Sabbatical Leave: TCS also offers its employees the option of taking a sabbatical leave for personal or professional growth or pursuing higher education. The duration of the sabbatical leave varies depending on the employee’s tenure.

Leave Policy in TCS

Number of Days of Leave Policy in TCS

The number of days of leave that an employee can avail of under TCS’s leave policy depends on several factors such as their length of service, position, and the type of leave they are taking. Here is a general overview of the number of days an employee can avail of for some of the common types of Leave Policy in TCS:

  1. Earned Leaves (EL): Leave Policy in TCS Employees can earn up to 30 days of ELs per year, depending on their length of service.
  2. Casual Leaves (CL): Leave Policy of TCS Employees are typically given 10 days of CLs per year, which can be taken in a single day or in multiple increments, as required.
  3. Sick Leaves (SL): The number of SLs an employee can avail of varies based on their length of service. For example, an employee with less than five years of service may be entitled to 12 SLs per year, while an employee with over five years of service may be entitled to 15 SLs per year.
  4. Maternity Leave: Leave Policy in TCS Female employees are entitled to 26 weeks of paid maternity leave.
  5. Paternity Leave: Leave Policy in TCS Male employees are entitled to two weeks of paid paternity leave.
  6. Bereavement Leave: Leave Policy of TCS Employees can avail of up to five days of paid bereavement leave in case of the death of an immediate family member.

TCS leave policy during the Notice period

TCS Leave policy during the notice period, which is the time between when an employee submits their resignation and their last working day, leave policies may vary depending on the company and local labor laws.

  1. Planned Leaves: Generally TCS Leave policy during the notice period, employees are encouraged to utilize their remaining accrued leaves before their last working day. If you have any unused vacation days, you might be able to take them during your notice period, subject to your manager’s approval and business requirements. Keep in mind that some companies might have specific rules about how much leave you can take during the notice period.
  2. Sick Leaves: If you have accrued sick leave days, you might also be able to use them during the notice period if you are genuinely unwell and provide the necessary medical documentation.
  3. Notice Period Duration: Your TCS Leave policy during the notice period is usually mentioned in your employment contract and can vary depending on your level, role, and the company’s policies. During this period, your primary responsibility is to ensure a smooth transition of your tasks and responsibilities to your colleagues or a new hire.

Type of Leave in TCS: Click Here

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